Regional Nodes

ASSN has four regional nodes, based on the geopolitical and linguistic regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. In each regional node, one member organization forms the centre-piece of the ASSN’s regional activities.

East Africa and The Great Lakes Region
Hosting affiliate: Security Research and Information Centre (SRIC)
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Regional Coordinator: Lt Col (Rtd) Jerry W. Kitiku


SRIC is an independent non-profit think-tank that provides data and information on human security and security sector dynamics in Kenya, the Great Lakes region and the Horn of Africa. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, SRIC’s mission is to influence and contribute to positive change in the security sector dynamics in its three geographical regions of focus.

SRIC pursues this mission by conducting research, facilitating policy dialogue aimed at the transformation the security sector and providing verifiable data and information on key security areas and the trends in crime and armed violence in East Africa. It also maintains a dedicated database that makes this data and information easily accessible to government officials, researchers and the media.

Southern Africa
Hosting affiliate: Southern African Defence & Security Management Network (SADSEM)
Location: Mzuzu, Malawi
Regional Coordinator: Brigadier (Rtd) Misheck Chirwa


PRAWA is a Non-governmental organization aimed at promoting Security, Justice and Development in Africa. It was established in 1994 and in 1998 it secured observer status with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights. The organization has three major programme components namely, Security and Justice Sector Reform Programme Component, Social Development and Rehabilitation Programme Component and Research and Documentation Programme Component.

It utilizes the following strategies in the implementation of it Programmes:

  • Training and Capacity Building (TRACAD)
  • Research and Advocacy
  • Human Rights Monitoring
  • Rehabilitation, Care and Support Services (RECASS)
  • Community Justice Programme and Engagement (COJUP).

Southern Africa
Regional Node: African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum (APCOF)
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Regional Coordinator: Mr Sean Tait

The African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum (APCOF) is a Not-for-Profit Trust working on issues of police accountability and governance in Africa. APCOF promotes the values which the establishment of civilian oversight seeks to achieve; namely to assist in restoring public confidence, developing a culture of human rights, promoting integrity and transparency within the police, and nurturing good working relationships between the police and the community. While APCOF is active in the field of policing, its work is located in the broader paradigm of promoting democratic governance and the rule of law.

West Africa

Regional Node: La Fondation pour la Sécurité du Citoyen (FOSEC)

Location: Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Regional Coordinator: Emile Ouédraogo

The Foundation for Citizen Security (FOSEC) is a civil society organization, whose vision is to contribute to the creation of a society where security, tolerance, peace and solidarity prevail for the emergence of collective prosperity in Burkina Faso. More concretely, this organization’s mission is to:

– Contribute to building the capacity of community structures and civil society organizations working in the field of security;

– Promote civic engagement with a view to human security and sustainable development;

– Contribute to the eradication of violence against women and to their care;

– Play the role of civil society in SSR/G;

– Contribute to mediation and conciliation in inter and intra-community crises.


La Fondation pour la Sécurité du Citoyen (FOSEC) est une organisation de la société civile, qui a pour vision de contribuer à la création d’une société où règnent la sécurité, la tolérance, la paix et la solidarité pour l’émergence d’une prospérité collective au Burkina Faso. Plus concrètement, cette organisation a pour mission de :

– Contribuer au renforcement des capacités des structures communautaires et des organisations de la société civile œuvrant dans le domaine de la sécurité ;

– Promouvoir un engagement citoyen dans une perspective de sécurité humaine et de développement durable ;

– Contribuer à l’éradication des violences faites aux femmes ainsi qu’à leur prise en charge ;

–  jouer le rôle de la société civile dans la R /GSS ;

– Contribuer à la médiation et à la conciliation dans les crises inter et intra-communautaires.