The ASSN maintains and functions through a multidisciplinary Roster of experts drawn from defence, intelligence, policing, gender, private and non-state security, justice and rule of law, security sector budgeting and public expenditure management, and security analysis and research. Although much of the work of the Roster (like that of the ASSN itself) is in the public interest arena, it is also deployed on missions and (on a more limited basis) consultancies and contract work. Main languages are English and French.
Presently, the ASSN collaborates with the International Security Sector Advisory Team (ISSAT) of the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) to manage and maintain a common roster.
A large number of ASSN members have also been inducted into the UN SSR Expert Roster.
Interested in engaging experts on the Roster?
Please browse the profile of experts on the ROSTER. You can contact the ASSN Secretariat if you identify an expert whose skill-set meets your needs.